List of Marianne Stone Films

Marianne Stone



The classic Charles Dickens' Christmas ghost tale told in musical form.

Baby Love

Baby Love


When her mother dies, her attractive young daughter hungry for love moves into the dead woman's house as a quest to seduce its tenants in her desperate search for love.

The Quatermass Xperiment

The Quatermass Xperiment


The first manned spacecraft, fired from an English launchpad, is first lost from radar, then roars back to Earth and crashes in a farmer's field, and is found to contain only one of the three men who took off in it; and he is unable to talk but appears to be undergoing a torturous physical and mental metamorphosis.

A Stitch in Time

A Stitch in Time


An accident in the butchers shop leads Norman Pitkin and Mr Grimsdale to the hospital where, after causing the normal ammount of chaos, Pitkin finds Lindy, a little girl who hasn't spoken or smiled since her parents were killed in an aeroplane accident. Pitkin decides to help.

Just My Luck

Just My Luck


Norman works in a jewellers workshop and fantasises (in the nicest way) about meeting the window dresser across the road from his workshop. He wants to buy her a diamond pendant but calculates it will take him over 100 years to save up for it. He is talked into betting a pound on a six horse accumulator at the Goodwood races with a slightly shady bookmaker. When he has won on the first five races, the bookie owes him over 16,000 pounds and everyone begins to worry. Everyone's future depends on a single race ... what can be done ?




The test launch for the first inter-planetary research station goes wrong when the satellite station is inadvertently set up instead of returning to earth. Two people attached to the secret project are missing, presumed murdered, and all suspicions fall on the cuckold husband, the scientist responsible for the lack of fuel aboard the rocket. The theory is he murdered his wife and her lover, depositing the bodies on the errant rocket. Desperate to prove his innocence he volunteers for the next mission to link up with the satellite and clear his name.

La più bella storia di Dickens

La più bella storia di Dickens


È la vigilia di Natale del 1860 e tutti si sentono più buoni. Tutti tranne il ricco Ebenezer Scrooge che non sopporta né le feste, né la gente e men che meno il suo segretario Bob. Di notte però Scrooge viene visitato da tre fantasmi: uno gli fa rivivere la sua giovinezza, l'altro lo porta a casa di Bob e il terzo gli prospetta un lugubre futuro. Al suo risveglio Scrooge non sarà più lo stesso. Musical natalizio tratto dal classico racconto di Dickens. Vale la pena vedere Finney come Scrooge e Guinness che fa lo spettro.

Muchas gracias, Mr. Scrooge

Muchas gracias, Mr. Scrooge


En 1860, un personaje tacaño y malhumorado que odia la Navidad, Ebenezer Scrooge, detesta a la gente, explota en su banco a su empleado Bob Cratchit y a sus clientes, y tiene un áspero tratamiento hacia su propio sobrino y conocidos. En la víspera de Navidad es visitado por el fantasma de su antiguo socio, Jacob Marley, quien le dice que tres espíritus lo visitarán a lo largo de la noche. Fue nominada en 1971 a cuatro premios Óscar: a la mejor dirección de arte, al mejor diseño de vestuario, a la mejor canción original (por la canción «Thank You Very Much», de Leslie Bricusse) y a la mejor banda sonora. Albert Finney (el protagonista) ganó el Globo de oro al mejor actor de Comedia o musical en 1971.